A Ceremony Honoring Water
The LCAC along with the River Sisters Circle invited folks in the creation of a community mural led by David Ocelotl Garcia in honor of our connection to water, nature, and land.
In early April at the Sun Valley Kitchen we had community design portions of the river in the mural and moved to painting the 22 ft. x 100 ft. wall located under the Colfax Viaduct next to Empower Field (The LCAC West Colfax Building's East Wall) in May.
We are looking forward to the unveiling of "Water Ceremony" on May 20th 2023, at the Sun Valley Rising’s Viaduct Night Market.

About “Water Ceremony” Community Mural
Inspired by the Aztec Goddess of Terrestrial Waters, Chalchiutlicue, David Ocelotl Garcia will lead us through the co-creation of a large-scale mural in collaboration with the River Sisters Circle. “Water Ceremony” is a recognition that environmental stewardship has been practiced by our Indigenous communities for hundreds, if not thousands of years. It is in our native heritages to care for the environment and Mother Earth.
A heartfelt thank you to our partners and sponsors
River Sisters Circle, DEDO, West Colfax BID and the Sun Valley Kitchen.