An immersive art experience called Fábrica de Arte Américas came to Denver last week as part of The Biennial of the Americas. This festival wove together art, culture, and community. A once empty warehouse was brought to life with live music, DJ sets, dance performances, fashion shows, and visual arts. The festival took place from April 26-30 2023 and the art showcased each day was different from the last.
On opening day, Wednesday April 26th, I had the privilege of experiencing the world premiere of TLAOLLI, a performance by Pardo Heli of Mexico. This was a contribution of the Latino Cultural Arts Center (LCAC) who said this on their Facebook page of the performance:
“TLAOLLI follows the Indigenous, Afro-Descendant and Mestizo peoples on a sacred pilgrimage to the mountains. We are given colorful corn seeds to share a unified message against racism, classism and xenophobia with inhabitants of Tatei Yurienaka (Mother Earth). Through music, theater, and dance, TLAOLLI invites us to use ancestral knowledge to understand our present. ”
Listen here: https://www.kuvo.org/fabrica-de-arte-de-las-americas-five-days-of-art-culture-and-community/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=fabrica-de-arte-de-las-americas-five-days-of-art-culture-and-community